

Oscurece el cielo azul zafiro.
Triste en su mundo monocromo.
El tiempo marca su firmamento.
Brillan felices las gotas roceadas.
Resplandece la verde esperanza.
Amalgama de verde y azul indigo
Tonos de afecto en gradientes de calor.
Uniendo sus pigmentos multicolores
Pintando escenas trascendentes de amor.
Destellos de risa y aventuras bajo el sol.


On Love, Death & Life

"Si nada nos salva de la muerte, al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida." Pablo Neruda
"If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life." Pablo Neruda
May Love be your Armor when you need solace & protection during your Life struggles.


Short Sweet Tale

Once upon a time... the attractive, vibrant Cynthia met the humble, respectful Jose Miguel. Soon, they found themselves enjoying each other's company. He fed her some affection with sweet desserts, words & candies that led to more fun things- including their engagement & upcoming wedding rendezvous. 

A sweet love story in 3 sentences. No faeries. Voila!



"Podran cortar todas las flores, pero no podran detener la primavera." Pablo Neruda.

"Something Old, Something New...

...Something Borrowed, Something Blue. And a silver sixpence in your shoe."
Or.... some continuity, some optimism, some happiness, some purity. And good fortune.